January 20, 2014 (WPCU, Day One)

This reflection was shared by the Rev. Amanda Currie at an ecumenical worship service at Calvin-Goforth Presbyterian Church in Saskatoon.

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, 2014
Reflection for Day One: “Together, we are called to be saints.”

Exodus 19:3-8
Psalm 95:1-7
1 Peter 2:9-10
Matthew 12:46-50

This Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is the eleventh one that I’ve celebrated here in Saskatoon with all the 7am services. And I don’t know how it happens, but I believe this is the third time that I’ve been stuck with leading worship at 7am on the Monday. Three times! And Monday is supposed to be my day to sleep in!

But I didn’t realize until just the other day that Monday morning this year is the perfect day for me to get a few words in as we begin the pilgrimage of 7am services (and other services at more reasonable hours). You see, I had the privilege of being involved in the development of the prayer resources this year, and in particular, I worked on the eight days of material that we will be using for our prayer times all through the week.

If you didn’t already pick up a copy of the little booklets we produced for this week, … Read more »