James 3:13 – 4:3, 7-8a;
Psalm 1
Mark 9:30-37
“Are You Drinking Enough Living Water?”
I probably don’t drink enough water every day. Different sources suggest that people should drink between 2 to 4 litres of water every day, and I rarely manage to do that. Actually, I rarely even try to reach a goal for water consumption. Instead, I usually drink when I feel thirsty or my mouth feels dry. And I’m just as likely to reach for a cup of coffee or a glass of wine, rather than choosing the healthier option of water.
As a result of not drinking enough water, I probably get more headaches, have drier skin, get more tired, and possibly more irritable as well. And over a longer period of time, not drinking enough water could have other health impacts that I don’t even want to think about.
And yet, at this point, I still haven’t decided to commit to drinking more water. The health app on my phone even has a function to track how much water you drink, but I haven’t turned it on.
I wonder if there are positive things in your life that you haven’t made a decision to do either. You know you should exercise … Read more »