The following message was presented by Harold, Suzy, and Angie (the St. Andrew’s puppet characters) by Iain Ireland, Melissa Tate, and Allyssa deBruijn. Amanda and Gwen are the ministers of St. Andrew’s, and this was Gwen’s first Sunday in our congregation.
I’m sorry that I can’t put the expression and ad libs of the puppeteers in print for you here. Oh well! Thanks to the puppeteers for bringing this script to life on Sunday, September 7th, 2008.
Harold: Welcome back, Suzy and Angie! I haven’t seen either of you around here much this summer. Where have you been?
Angie: I spent the summer at
Suzy: And I’ve been busy too, Harold… working, travelling… It’s been a busy summer,
Angie: How about you, Harold? How was your summer?
Harold: I’ve had a great summer! I have tons of stories I could tell you, but maybe since
Angie: I think worship is a great time for telling stories! Last Sunday I was here and
Harold: What’s wrong with
Suzy: Nothing’s wrong with
Angie: Ya, but there was a mean king in
Harold: That’s unbelievable!
Angie: But it’s true, and God gave Moses the job of helping those people find a new place
Harold: So… did he do it? Did Moses get the people out?
Angie: I don’t know, Harold. I sure hope he got them out, but we didn’t get to that part of
Suzy: Maybe we’ll hear about that today. Amanda, are you going to
Harold: Or would you like me to tell everyone stories about my
Suzy: Oh, Harold, we’re in church!
Harold: Well, I suppose so… I would like to know what happened
Amanda: The problem was that getting the Hebrews out of
Moses went to
Then Moses and Aaron did some miracles to demonstrate God’s power. They threw a stick on the ground, and God made it turn into a snake.
Suzy: That must have convinced the king that he should do what they asked.
Amanda: Well, no. The king still refused to listen.
Harold: Ewwww! Frogs in the bed!
Suzy: I thought boys liked frogs.
Harold: Ya, but not if you have to sleep with them!
Angie: So did the king change his mind?
Amanda: Nope. God sent bugs and flies and illnesses and hailstones,
Harold: So Moses failed in his job. He couldn’t get the people out.
Suzy: That can’t be right! I remember the story where they all run
Amanda: Perhaps we should all sing it together…
Praise: “When
Amanda: Suzy was right. Moses did eventually get the Hebrews out of
Harold: The king must have been angry!
Angie: And he must have been scared!
Amanda: He finally knew how powerful God really was, and he finally
Suzy: That is a pretty exciting story from the bible, Amanda.
Amanda: Yes, that’s true, Suzy. The children of those Hebrews were
Karl is going to read the part in the bible where we learn
Exodus 12:1-14
Harold: Those are the weirdest party instructions I’ve ever heard!
Angie: You mean you don’t normally put animal blood on the door
Suzy: They call it a festival, but it seems more like they’re acting out
Amanda: Yes, the animal blood on the door was how the Hebrews
Angie: So they do it every year to remember how God protected
Amanda: And when they eat the meal, they’re dressed and ready to
Harold: I suppose they do that to remember how they rushed quickly
Amanda: That’s exactly right, Harold. And they tell the story and
Harold: They’re people that once were slaves in
Suzy: And they’re people that God loves and protects.
Amanda: And they’re people who love God too, and they worship and
Angie: Do we have stories like that about our church here at St.
Gwen: That’s a good question, Angie. I’d like to hear some of those
Suzy: I know one that my grandma told me! She was in this church
Angie: I don’t know about way back at the beginning, but my dad
Harold: I don’t know any really historical stories, Gwen, but my
Gwen: Just those three little stories tell me a lot about this church —
Suzy: Stories about St. Andrew’s are fine, but what about some
Angie: Ya! We want to get to know you too!
Harold: Tell us a story about you, Gwen, a story that helps us to
Gwen tells a story about herself.
Amanda: Thanks for that story, Gwen. I think we’re all starting to get
Gwen: Do we have time for one more?
Amanda: Yes, I think we do. And even if the service is running long,
Gwen: You mean the story that we all share?
Amanda: Yes, the story that we tell over and over in this place…
Harold: The story of God!
Suzy: And the story of Jesus!
Angie: And the story of how God loves us so much that God sent
Amanda: As followers of Jesus, this is our story. It is the good news of God in Jesus Christ —
Acts 10:34-43
Harold: Boy, we had lots of good stories today…
Suzy: …stories that help us to understand who we are
Angie: Is that it, then? No more stories for today?
Amanda: Yes, that’s it for today. But don’t worry, we’ll have lots more
Gwen: I’ll tell you a few more about me!
Harold: And we’ll tell you a few more about St. Andrew’s.
Suzy: And we’ll all tell lots more about God and Jesus, won’t we?
Amanda: Yes, we will. We’ll keep on telling these stories that help us to
Praise: “Tell me the stories of Jesus” #348