August 19, 2018

1 Kings 2:10-12; 3:3-14
Ephesians 5:15-20
John 6:51-58

“Blessed by Wisdom, Saved by Grace”

When you think about WISDOM, I wonder if there are particular people that come to mind. Wise people that you have known, who have taught you and guided you in your life. Or perhaps there are some words of wisdom that you always remember, that you go back to, that you reflect on regularly and try to take to heart.

When I think of wise people in my life, I always go back to an elder from my home congregation when I was a child, George Lee. George was like a grandfather to me and many others. I don’t remember what he taught us, but I remember what it felt like to be near him. It felt like we were safe, and loved, and precious. He was in his early 80’s, and I remember him sitting on the floor with us children at Vacation Bible School and telling us stories. And it felt SO important to be still and listen to what he would say.

Back then I had no idea that I would one day become a minister. I never imagined that I would have so many opportunities to sit on … Read more »